Thursday, May 30, 2019

Government to phase out Distribution of Free Seedlings to Farmers

Gov`t to phase out Distribution of Free Seedlings to Farmers

The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja says Government is soon phasing out distribution of free seedlings to farmers.
This was during a two days visit to farmers in Nebbi and Pakwach Districts in West-Nile under the Agriculture Cluster Development Project (ACDP) arrangement.
He told farmers that Government started ACDP project to prepare them in getting away from free things into Business-minded farmers like it is in other Countries.
“We are being accused by Development Partners that we give-out free things to farmers. This is because for them they take agriculture as a business. That is why we came-up with this project”. He said.
Under ACDP, a farmer who is joining the Project for the first time gets 70% in the first season from Government, the second season Government pays for him/her 30% of the inputs because it assumes he will have gained martial to become independent. 
ACDP is a government of Uganda Project implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries in 42 districts across the Country. It is a 6 years Project implemented with support from International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank focusing on 5 priority commodities (Maize, Rice, Beans, Coffee, and Cassava)
The Overall objective of the Project is to provide farmers in the clusters with subsidized farm inputs, improved agricultural infrastructure, post-harvest handling technologies and more competitive prices for inputs and outputs.
This arrangement suits well in the sector`s Mission of transforming from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture, and the Vision which is to promote a competitive, profitable and sustainable agricultural sector.

Applications for 2020 World Bank Young Professional Program

Application for 2020 World Bank selection process for Young Professional Program is open from June 14 - July 28, 2019.

Please encourage as many young people in your network to apply if they satisfy the criteria. Should be born on or after 1 October 1987.

Apply as soon as possible.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The 3P’s of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship teaches you a number of lessons about life. 
It is a journey I wish everyone should try even if you do not
achieve your intended destination. it is a very challenging 
journey and a very interesting journey.

There are 3P’s in entrepreneurship which I want to share 
with you today. That is Play, Patience and Persistence.


Entrepreneurship is like any sport; it cannot be learned by
reading about it. If you want to develop entrepreneurship skills, 
you have to deliberately provide opportunities to learn by doing,
by starting a small real business. You can have a master degree in 
business but nothing can teach you better than doing. 
You cannot score a goal when you are still on a bench until you 
get onto the field. You cannot learn entrepreneurship by reading 
books. You learn by playing in the field of entrepreneurs.


A common cancer which is eating up young entrepreneurs
is being impatient. Everyone wants overnight success. once
you enter into the field of entrepreneurship never expect
a straight line. There are ups and downs in along the journey.

Be patient. Do not be in a hurry to win. Some people their
overnight success was 5years others it was 10 years. It takes time.
There are very many occasions when you have self doubt.
Keep positive though it is not easy all the time.
Be impatient to start but once you start be patient.


Every successful entrepreneur stayed long enough and
treaded a long patiently. In this game irrespective of all the
obstacles and setback that come in your way, it’s important that
you do not take your eyes off the prize.

All start ups go through ups and downs and almost all
entrepreneurs have number of challenging times.
The journey is never straight you just need to practice the 3P’s.
Get involved in the game, be patient and persevere.

Unless you fall in love with the game the temptation to
give up at the first signs of challenges is quite high.  




Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Beekeeping, a profitable home based farming business

Beekeeping: A Profitable Home Based Business every farmer should consider

Beekeeping has become popular in the past and continues among the most trending agribusinesses as it has become more profitable.
As we continue to celebrate the World Bee Day, MAAIF takes this opportunity to encourage all Ugandan Farmers to take beekeeping as a serious alternative business. There could also be other things connected to beekeeping from which you can earn some good money. Below are some of the many ways you can earn money if you start bee keeping at your farm.
This is the most obvious yield from beekeeping and it is a highly marketable product because it has gained popularity among many consumers. They often use it in the place of refined sugar which makes it a healthier option. You harvest up to five jerry cans of honey from 60 hives.
You just have to put enough water for the bees to make more hone as well as pineapple and yellow banana peels in your apiary so that the bees do not have to go far away looking for them and these help in the formation of sweeter honey. You can sell each kilogramme at Shs10,000 when on bulk purchases and Shs1,000 per spoonful.
After harvesting the honey there are combs that remain without honey called beeswax. It is used primarily as a building block for the bees’ honeycomb cells in which the young ones are raised and honey and pollen stored. The wax can be converted into many different products including candles, soap, and lip balm. Beeswax prices can vary widely depending on its quality and colour.
You can sell a kilogramme of bee wax at Shs500 or more. The wax can be used as wax sheets for hive baits, bees wax blocks for sale and making candles, floor polish and skin care products.
Propolis or bee glue is a sticky mixture that honey bees produce by mixing saliva and beeswax with exudate gathered from tree buds, sap flows and other botanical sources.
The propolis is said to have a variety of medical uses including treatment of sores, bone diseases, acting as an antioxidant used in the prevention of cancer, and boosting immunity. Propolis can be used to treat warts and may help in the treatment of food poisoning. Because of the many advantages, propolis alone ensures a farmer earns more cash than honey. You can sell each litre of propolis at Shs30,000.
Because of its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, propolis has an outstanding value for a wide variety of illnesses. It is also used as ointments for healing cuts and wounds. 
Bee pollen
Bee pollen granules are a “super food” that can boost immunity and provide other health-related benefits such as minimising seasonal allergies, treating osteoporosis, and acting as an antioxidant.
Bee pollen is growing in popularity at natural food stores, health stores, and some drugstores. It can get royal jelly which is the queen bee’s extraordinary source of food.
Other advantages
Plays an excellent role in pollination. Honey bees are the best pollinating agents which help in increasing the yield of several crops like Coffee and many fruit trees.
According to the recent studies, the honey bee’s venom contains a mixture of proteins which can potentially be used as a prophylactic to destroying the HIV virus that causes AIDS in humans.

Government is hiring. In ministries, departments and Agencies. Apply Now

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans to fill the vacant posts currently available in Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies. Applications should be filled ON-LINE not later than17th June 2019.  The e-recruitment system can be accessed on

Applicants are advised to: -

a)     Apply ON-LINE;
b)    Scan, attach and submit on-line recent passport size photograph and relevant documents
(‘O’ Level, ‘A’ Level, Degree Transcript and Certificates only);
c)     Each attachment must not exceed a limit of 1MB and only portable documents  format (PDF) is allowed;

Application Process:

a)       Visit the website
b)       Click and Register as a new User to create your account and complete your profile (starting with your bio data moving downwards).
c)       If you already have an account, simply sign in and update your profile.
d)       Click on Jobs then Advertised Jobs in the menu. Select the Advert to view the jobs therein.
e)       Click on the job from the list of advertised jobs.
f)        View the job details and click apply.
g)       Review your application and submit.
h)       You can only apply for a maximum of two (2) posts.

Emphasis: -

a)       Only On-line applications on the e-recruitment system will be considered.
b)       Candidates   shortlisted for Interviews will be contacted. 
c)       Candidates shortlisted for Oral Interviews shall be required to bring along with them certified copies of academic documents, their original certificates including the Degree Transcript and Certificates, a valid identify card.
d)       Serving Officers already appointed in the Public Service shall not be considered for entry level posts under this GRE  advert;
e)       Applicants who shall not hear from the Public Service Commission on completion of the selection process should consider themselves unsuccessful.
f)        In case of any inquiry, call Tel. No.0414-237671 or 0414-254271 or 0414-342279 or send an e-mail

Applicants should, among others, have the following competencies:
Ethics and integrity; interpersonal, communication and computer skills; ability to adapt to multi cultural settings; effective organizational and planning skills; time management skills; technical skills; report writing skills; negotiation skills; capacity for teamwork; innovation and concern for results, quality and standards.

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development
HRM 147/286/01
Minimum Age
Maximum Age

Minimum Qualification
Applicants should be Ugandans in possession of an Honours Bachelors’ Degree in Geoscience with bias in Geophysics, or Physics or Mathematics or Electrical Engineering from a recognized University.
Working Experience
The incumbent will be responsible to the Senior Geophysicist for performing the following duties:- 
-      Participating in acquisition, processing and interpretation of seismic data;
-      Participating in the evaluation of the appropriate software for seismic processing and quality control;
-      Participating in basin analysis and resource assessment of the different sedimentary basins in the country;
-      Supporting in compilation of subsurface maps and sections;
-      Participating in packaging of seismic data for licensing and promotion;
-      Participating in the evaluation of seismic and support data submitted by companies;
-      Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.

Job Hiring. A country Director Needed

Cycle Connect is hiring a Country Director in Uganda. Download the job description here: Questions or inquiries about this post, kindly contact Lionel:

For details on the list of jobs and internship available at Cycle Connect in both Gulu and Kampala, visit its website:

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Please subscribe to our articles. Be notified whenever something new is posted. Be up to date with the latest updates and information in the Agricultural and agribusiness fields. Enjoy!!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Common Bean varieties


Variety: K131
Variety: K132
Variety: NABE 1

Small-sized  seeded
Tan/Khaki (Pinto) colour/cream mottled
85-90 days to maturity
Market class
Best suited for high altitude area >1500
Spacing 50 x 10 cm
2000- 2500 yield kg/ha
Drought tolerant
Tolerant to BCMV

Large seeded
Attractive seed colour
Fairly high yield potential 1500- 2000 kg/ha
80-90 days to maturity
Tasty and swells on cooking
Cooks fairly fast
Best suited for low-mid altitude area 
Spacing  50 x 10 cm
Market class

Medium-sized  seeded
Attractive seed colour
Fairly high yield potential 1000- 1500 kg/ha
80-90 days to maturity
Tasty and swells on cooking
Cooks fairly fast
Best suited for low-mid altitude area 
Spacing  50 x 10 cm
Market class

Variety: NABE 2
Variety: NABE 3
Variety: NABE 4

Attractive Black colour
Small-sized  seeded
85-90 days to maturity
2000-2500 yield kg/ha
Disease resistance to BCMV
Drought tolerant

Small sized seeded
Red colour
85-90 days to maturity
2000-2500 yi’2eld kg/ha
Disease resistance to BCMV

Medium-sized  seeded
Attractive seed colour
Fairly high yield potential 2000- 2500 kg/ha
80-90 days to maturity
Tasty and swells on cooking
Cooks fairly fast
Best suited for low-mid altitude area 
Spacing  50 x 10 cm
Market class

Variety: NABE 5
Variety: NABE 6
Variety: NABE 8C

Sugar bean
Large size seeded
Speckled colour
80-85 days to maturity
2000-2500 yield kg/ha
Market class

Small sized seeded
White colour
85-90 days to maturity
2000-2500 yield kg/ha
Market class
Drought tolerant

Local name: Gisenyi
Large sized seeded
Red colour
90-110 days to maturity
2500-3500 yield kg/ha
High altitude

Variety: NABE 9C
Variety: NABE 10C
Variety: NABE 11

Large sized seeded
White/black speckled colour
90-115 days to maturity
2500-3500 yield kg/ha
High altitude 

Local name: Umubano Red
Small sized seeded
Red colour
90-110 days to maturity
2500-4000 yield kg/ha
Tolerant to anthracnose
Low/high altitudes

AFR 721
103 days to maturity

Variety: NABE 12C
Variety: NABE 13
Variety: NABE 14

Large seeded
Attractive seed colour 
High yield potential 2500-3500 kg/ha
90-110 days to maturity
Tasty and swells on cooking
Large attractive fresh pods
Cooks fast
Conducive for mid-high altitude area (cool environments)
Has tender leaves
Spacing  60 x 20 cm
Market class

Attractive red colour 
Require mid- high altitude regions for proper colour  dev’t 
Large seeded
High yield (1500-2500 kg/ha)
Vigorous growth habits
Tolerant to bean root rot disease
Tolerant to low soil fertility
Market class
Spacing  50 x 10 cm
Mature in 80-90 days

Attractive red colour 
Require mid- high altitude regions for proper colour  dev’t 
Large seeded
High yield (1500-2500 kg/ha)
Vigorous growth habits
Tolerant to bean root rot disease
Tolerant to low soil fertility
Market class
Spacing  50 x 10 cm
Mature in 80-90 days

Variety: NABE 15
Variety: NABE 16
Variety: NABE 17

Medium seeded
Market class
Early maturity (60-70 days)
Tolerant to bean anthracnose
Suitable for all regions
Spacing  50 x 10 cm
Tasty and swells on cooking
High yield (1800-2000 kg/ha

Medium seeded
Market class
Early maturity (65-75 days)
Tolerant to bean anthracnose
Suitable for all regions
Tasty and swells on cooking
Spacing  50 x 10 cm
High yield (2000-2500 kg/ha)

Market class quality
Highly Palatable
Medium  seeded (46 g/100 seeds)
Oval seed shape
Good seed colour (Red mottled)
Maturity (58-75 days)
Yield (2000-2500 kg/ha)
Bush type (indeterminate bush)
Tolerant  to anthracnose , BCMV, ALS, and other diseases

Variety: NABE 18
Variety: NABE 19
Variety: NABE 20

Northern Uganda Market
Highly Palatable
Large seeded (49.3 g/100 seeds)
Kidney seed shape
Dark seed colour preferred in northern Uganda (Purple mottled)
Maturity (63-78 days)
Yield (2000-2500 kg/ha)
Bush type (determinate bush)
Resistant   to anthracnose , BCMV, ALS & tolerant to Root rot diseases

Market class quality
Highly Palatable
Medium  seeded (40 g/100 seeds)
Kidney seed shape
Good seed colour (Red  mottled)
Maturity (61-70 days)
Yield (2000-2500 kg/ha)
Bush type (indeterminate bush)
Resistant   to anthracnose , BCMV, ALS, and tolerant most of other diseases

Market class quality (Kanyebwa type)
Highly Palatable
Medium  seeded (41 g/100 seeds)
Oval seed shape
Good seed colour (Pink with red tan  mottled)
Maturity (58-70 days)
Yield (1600-2200 kg/ha)
Bush type (indeterminate bush)
Resistant Tolerant  to anthracnose , BCMV, ALS, and most of other diseases

 Variety: NABE 21
Variety: NABE 22
Variety: NABE 23

Market class quality (Kanyebwa type)
Highly Palatable
Medium  seeded (36 g/100 seeds)
Oval seed shape
Good seed colour (Dirty yellow with red tan  mottled)
Maturity (58-70 days)
Yield (1500-2000 kg/ha)
Bush type (determinate bush)
Tolerant  to anthracnose , BCMV, ALS, and most of other diseases

Northern Uganda Market
Highly Palatable
Medium seeded (42 g/100 seeds)
Kidney seed shape
Dark seed colour preferred in northern Uganda (Purple  with white mottles) 
Maturity (58-70 days)
Yield (1500-2000 kg/ha)
Bush type (determinate bush)
Resistant   to anthracnose , BCMV, ALS, and tolerant to root rots and most of other diseases

Market Class (Kanyebwa type)
Highly Palatable
Large seeded (51 g/100 seeds)
Kidney seed shape
Good seed colour (Pink red tan speckles) 
Maturity (64-75 days)
Yield (2000-2500 kg/ha)
Bush type (determinate bush)
Tolerant   to anthracnose , BCMV, ALS, root rots and most of other diseases

Variety: NABE  26C
Variety: NABE  27C
Variety: NABE  28C

Dark red mottled seed
Early maturing
Released in 2012
Tolerant to Pythium root rot

Large pinkish seed
Pink  pods at physiological maturity
Realesed in 2012

Red mottled seed
Attractive long and large fresh pods 
Realesed in year 2012

Variety: NABE  29C

Very attractive red seed with 
Shape similar to NABE 12C
Pod shape similar to that of NABE 12C , but slightly shorter
Clean pods at physiological maturity

Bush type
Large seeded
Attractive seed colour 
High yield potential 100-200 kg/ha
60-90 days to maturity
Tasty and swells on cooking
Large attractive fresh pods
Cooks fast
Conducive for in mid altitudes
Do well in heavy rain rains
Spacing  60 x 10 cm

Market class quality (Nambale short)
Highly Palatable
Medium  seeded (41 g/100 seeds)
Oval seed shape
Maturity (60--900 days)
Yield (1600-2200 kg/ha)
Bush type (indeterminate bush)

Yellow beans
Requires less rain during harvest
Do well in higher altitudes
Do well in higher altitudes

Application for extension workers training.

Information on the training programme under the theme
“Increasing the competence of Agricultural Extension Service Specialists in Uganda¨
scheduled for 2nd September – 29th November 2019.

The Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary (, in close cooperation with the leading Hungarian university of applied life sciences ( and in partnership with Kyambogo University in Uganda ( has elaborated a complex training programme to enhance the methodological and professional knowledge of extension service specialists. On the basis of the trainings implemented in 2017 and 2018, the program is being continued in 2019.
Length of the training: 9 weeks, starting from the first week of September. A study-week consists of four days (Wed-Thu-Fri-Sat), daily from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with a lunch break. There will be 10 days break between the modules. The training will finish with an exam. Successful participants will receive a certificate.
Venue: Kampala
Modules of the training:
Methodology of Extension (8 days)
Project management, marketing methods (4 days)
Household economics and nutrition, the role of women (4 days)
Business solutions for small-scale producers (4 days)
Sustainable agricultural management in view of climate change (4 days)
Presentation and performance techniques (4 days)
Preparation for the examination (7 days)
Exam (3 days)
(Course will be taught by leading Hungarian public administration officials and professors, there might be slight change in the program)
Conditions: The course is based on a face-to-face teaching and interactive work. All participants are expected to be present continuously in each seminar. The Hungarian Government will finance a moderate weekly contribution for the participants, on the basis of attendance. Number of participants: 20.
Candidates shall be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
at least BSc level degree, obtained in field of agricultural science;
working in any form of extension service;
age (preferably below 30 years);
recommendation from the sending organization (the sending organization should confirm that the candidate will be available for the entire period of the training).
Application and selection process: applicants have to send their applications through the following link:
Please do not forget to indicate who recommended the training.
Only properly filled applications will be considered.
sending of applications by 15sth July
notification of selected applicants by the 1st of August
Important notes:
As the number of places is limited, interested applicants are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Advantages of interplanting coffee with other crops

Advantages and disadvantages of inter cropping banana and coffee

The main advantage of intercropping banana with coffee is that the system is usually more profitable and resilient than the production of either crop grown as monocrops.

Banana provides the coffee with shade, which reduces stress on coffee due to wide variation in temperature within the coffee leaf canopy and wind damage. 

Young coffee trees grow well when grown under shade, and shade improves coffee yield and bean quality in mature coffee when moderate amounts of mineral fertilizer are used. Shade can also prevent or at least minimize the incidence of the condition overbearing dieback in coffee. Permanent shade is particularly important for Arabica coffee, especially when fertilizer use is erratic.

The banana also provides mulch to the cropping system. The mulch supports good root development for both the banana mats and the coffee trees and can improve the availability of 

potassium (K) in the topsoil, due to the large biomass turnover. 

The leaf canopy, root system and mulch provided by banana help to minimize soil losses and improve soil moisture conservation.

Intercropping reduces the risk faced by farmers when cultivating monocrops. For example, it is unlikely that both crops will be affected at the same time by pests, disease, or drought stress and market prices for both crops are generally unlikely to ‘crash’ simultaneously

Growing bananas in young coffee plantations also ensures that the farmer gets some returns from the land before the coffee reaches the productive stage.

Bananas and coffee can grow well together, but establishing the best conditions for both crops require careful management of the soil and crop leaf canopies. For example, if the 

shade provided by banana is too dense (more than 50%), coffee yields may also be reduced. 

Conversely, the yield of bananas will be small if there are only a few banana mats and coffee may be insufficiently shaded.

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