Wednesday, May 29, 2019




Established in 2015 and incorporated in 2018, BSMR Millennium Consult Ug Ltd is a prominent consultation, research and Supply Company dealing in a vast number of scientific, professional and technical goods and services in the country. Its services are not limited to agriculture but also other disciplines of life like health, environment, landscape, vegetation to mention but a few.
Our major services are solution oriented as we are there to provide reliable and workable solutions to our client’s problems with a bias to agriculture related challenges. 
BSMR MILLENNIUM CONSULT UG LTD is aimed at working on the major value chains of agriculture production to increase or improve on a sustainable production system that will enable our clients increase their return rates and hence profits. Therefore, our major task is to meet our customer’s needs by creating or coming up with tailored solutions to their problems by incorporating with professional, scientific, technical and indigenous knowledge (informal and formal solutions). We work on a “come with a problem and we shall solve it’’ basis. And the solutions given are customised to solve a problem. All aimed at providing solutions that faces the agricultural sector in the country as well as providing better job opportunities to the unemployed population (youth, women and all categories of people)
 The company  therefore bears the name as BSMR MILLENNIUM CONSULT UG.LTD and its objective are as underlined below:

  1. To provide technical, professional and scientific assistance to all stake holders including the government, non- government organizations, Civil society organization, parastatals, research organizations and companies, private sectors, individuals and other related institutions of development and learning
  2. To provide affordable and excellent consultation, research, M&E, data collection and analysis, training and supply services to the agribusiness and health community institutions in the country
  3. To exhibit transparency and accountability in the line of service delivery to our clients/ customers
  4. To help in spanning the gap of unemployment among the youths, rural community, the urban dwellers and other groups of people through skilful training and participatory approaches in interrelation with other stakeholders through capacity building and skill development
  5. To provide complete services in capacity building among the employed in institutions, companies and other state holders in relation to excellent job performances enabling them meet their goals and objectives
  6. To help in the transformation of the agricultural sub sector by giving a hand to government on technological and innovation development and in achieving SDGs, MDGs and country’s development visions


To be the leading consultant, capacity building and supply firm/company in  Uganda in the nearby future with a sound and sustainable goods and service delivery


To be the best and the leading consultation and supplies firm with the most professional, technical and scientific solution to all the major problems related to agriculture, agribusiness, and environmental constraints in the country.


Our core values are summarised as LOHDET
Loyalty to the clientele
Honesty with the highest degree of integrity
Determination and dedication to serve our customers diligently and satisfactorily
Excellent customer care

Business proposition

Here to serve you

  Services outlined

  1. Food security and sustainability
  2. Farm and nursery bed management
  3. Enterprise selection and development
  4. Agribusiness development 
  5. Food and famine control systems
  6. Agribusiness information and communications technologies
  7. Agriculture, agribusiness and applied research
  8. Quality input selection technologies and technical services
  9. Training and support the youth development
  10. GIS and information management
  11. Environmental management and conservation systems
  12. WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene)
  13. Real estate development and consultancy
  14. Water resources management
  15. Farm land sourcing and development
  16. Irrigation system development
  17. Monitoring and evaluation (Needs analysis, CB analyses
  18.  Supply and logistics 
  19. Agricultural loans and agribusiness development
  20. Technical advisory services
  21. Project design, planning, management and implementation
  22. Field inspection and surveys
  23. Proposal writing 
  24. GIS and Remote Sensing Services include: 
  25. Needs Analysis 
  26. Database Design 
  27. Data Entry/Integration 
  28. Topology Construction 
  29. Attribute Attachment 
  30. Spatial Analysis 
  31. Data Modelling 
  32. Buffering

Clientele base
  • Our clients include but not limited to
  • Government and state agencies (parastatals)
  • National, regional and international Non-government organizations
  • Civil society organizations
  • International agencies Like WFP, FAO, World bank and many more
  • Companies and organizations
  • Individuals
  • Institutions of learning
  • Cooperatives and farmer organizations
  • CBOs

And many more others
Currently, we are located in Jinja city on spire road opposite shell petrol station

Contact Information

TEL: +256774747234
+256 701 518907

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