Monday, May 27, 2019

Application for extension workers training.

Information on the training programme under the theme
“Increasing the competence of Agricultural Extension Service Specialists in Uganda¨
scheduled for 2nd September – 29th November 2019.

The Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary (, in close cooperation with the leading Hungarian university of applied life sciences ( and in partnership with Kyambogo University in Uganda ( has elaborated a complex training programme to enhance the methodological and professional knowledge of extension service specialists. On the basis of the trainings implemented in 2017 and 2018, the program is being continued in 2019.
Length of the training: 9 weeks, starting from the first week of September. A study-week consists of four days (Wed-Thu-Fri-Sat), daily from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., with a lunch break. There will be 10 days break between the modules. The training will finish with an exam. Successful participants will receive a certificate.
Venue: Kampala
Modules of the training:
Methodology of Extension (8 days)
Project management, marketing methods (4 days)
Household economics and nutrition, the role of women (4 days)
Business solutions for small-scale producers (4 days)
Sustainable agricultural management in view of climate change (4 days)
Presentation and performance techniques (4 days)
Preparation for the examination (7 days)
Exam (3 days)
(Course will be taught by leading Hungarian public administration officials and professors, there might be slight change in the program)
Conditions: The course is based on a face-to-face teaching and interactive work. All participants are expected to be present continuously in each seminar. The Hungarian Government will finance a moderate weekly contribution for the participants, on the basis of attendance. Number of participants: 20.
Candidates shall be selected on the basis of the following criteria:
at least BSc level degree, obtained in field of agricultural science;
working in any form of extension service;
age (preferably below 30 years);
recommendation from the sending organization (the sending organization should confirm that the candidate will be available for the entire period of the training).
Application and selection process: applicants have to send their applications through the following link:
Please do not forget to indicate who recommended the training.
Only properly filled applications will be considered.
sending of applications by 15sth July
notification of selected applicants by the 1st of August
Important notes:
As the number of places is limited, interested applicants are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible.

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