Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The 3P’s of entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurship teaches you a number of lessons about life. 
It is a journey I wish everyone should try even if you do not
achieve your intended destination. it is a very challenging 
journey and a very interesting journey.

There are 3P’s in entrepreneurship which I want to share 
with you today. That is Play, Patience and Persistence.


Entrepreneurship is like any sport; it cannot be learned by
reading about it. If you want to develop entrepreneurship skills, 
you have to deliberately provide opportunities to learn by doing,
by starting a small real business. You can have a master degree in 
business but nothing can teach you better than doing. 
You cannot score a goal when you are still on a bench until you 
get onto the field. You cannot learn entrepreneurship by reading 
books. You learn by playing in the field of entrepreneurs.


A common cancer which is eating up young entrepreneurs
is being impatient. Everyone wants overnight success. once
you enter into the field of entrepreneurship never expect
a straight line. There are ups and downs in along the journey.

Be patient. Do not be in a hurry to win. Some people their
overnight success was 5years others it was 10 years. It takes time.
There are very many occasions when you have self doubt.
Keep positive though it is not easy all the time.
Be impatient to start but once you start be patient.


Every successful entrepreneur stayed long enough and
treaded a long patiently. In this game irrespective of all the
obstacles and setback that come in your way, it’s important that
you do not take your eyes off the prize.

All start ups go through ups and downs and almost all
entrepreneurs have number of challenging times.
The journey is never straight you just need to practice the 3P’s.
Get involved in the game, be patient and persevere.

Unless you fall in love with the game the temptation to
give up at the first signs of challenges is quite high.  

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