Thursday, May 30, 2019

Government to phase out Distribution of Free Seedlings to Farmers

Gov`t to phase out Distribution of Free Seedlings to Farmers

The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja says Government is soon phasing out distribution of free seedlings to farmers.
This was during a two days visit to farmers in Nebbi and Pakwach Districts in West-Nile under the Agriculture Cluster Development Project (ACDP) arrangement.
He told farmers that Government started ACDP project to prepare them in getting away from free things into Business-minded farmers like it is in other Countries.
“We are being accused by Development Partners that we give-out free things to farmers. This is because for them they take agriculture as a business. That is why we came-up with this project”. He said.
Under ACDP, a farmer who is joining the Project for the first time gets 70% in the first season from Government, the second season Government pays for him/her 30% of the inputs because it assumes he will have gained martial to become independent. 
ACDP is a government of Uganda Project implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries in 42 districts across the Country. It is a 6 years Project implemented with support from International Development Association (IDA) of the World Bank focusing on 5 priority commodities (Maize, Rice, Beans, Coffee, and Cassava)
The Overall objective of the Project is to provide farmers in the clusters with subsidized farm inputs, improved agricultural infrastructure, post-harvest handling technologies and more competitive prices for inputs and outputs.
This arrangement suits well in the sector`s Mission of transforming from subsistence farming to commercial agriculture, and the Vision which is to promote a competitive, profitable and sustainable agricultural sector.

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